Internal control
To meet the need to monitor and manage risks inherent to the organization and business of Soitec, the Group has set up an internal control and risk management mechanism.
Its aim is to provide reasonable assurance that these risks are under control and that objectives will be met.
In this way, in accordance with the applicable standards and regulations, the mechanism contributes to the management of our activities, the effectiveness of our operations and the efficient use of our resources. The proper functioning of the internal control and risk management mechanism is central to the Group’s organization and its management and control activities.
Controls are carried out, for each identified process, by all of the Group’s departments and employees. Overall management of the mechanism falls within the remit of the Executive Committee and the Finance Department who reports to the Audit and Risks Committee and the Board of Directors on the effectiveness of the mechanism in place.
The overall organization of the internal control and risk management mechanism can be presented as follows:

Risk factors by category
In accordance with the provisions of Article 16 of Regulation (EU) 2017/1129, the risk factors identified in our six risk categories are ranked in order of materiality, from the highest to the lowest risk, with the most material risks listed first, according to the Group’s assessment.
The diagram below only shows specific, material and corroborated risks.

For more information, please refer to Chapters 2 and 3 of the Universal Registration Document of Soitec.