Leadership soitec


Governance and Management


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Pierre Barnabé

Chief Executive Officer
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Léa Alzingre

Léa Alzingre

Chief Financial Officer
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Steve Babureck

Strategy & Investor Relations
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Emmanuelle Bely

Emmanuelle Bely

General Secretary
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René Jonker

René Jonker

Smart Devices Division
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Jean-Marc Le Meil

Mobile Communications Division
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Christophe Maleville 3

Christophe Maleville

Innovation, Chief Technology Officer
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Cyril Menon 1bm

Cyril Menon

Operations Excellence & Quality Chief Operations Officer
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Yvon Pastol 1

Yvon Pastol

Customer Group
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Emmanuel Sabonnadière 1

Emmanuel Sabonnadière

Automotive & Industrial Division
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Caroline Sasia

Caroline Sasia

Communications & Chief of Staff
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Jeannette Schuh

Jeannette Schuh

Human Resources
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A strengthened governance to deliver a sustainable value creation

Soitec has established governance rules in compliance with applicable laws, regulations and recommendations (including those of the Autorité des marchés financiers (AMF), the French stock market regulator, and designed its mission and its ambitions to ensure an effective decision-making process and the transparency of its operations, taking into account the interest of all of its stakeholders.

The Company refers to the Corporate Governance Code for listed companies published by the AFEP (Association Française des Entreprises Privées, the French Association of Private Companies) and the MEDEF (Mouvement des Entreprises de France, the French Business Confederation) (the "AFEP-MEDEF Code").

The Board of Directors has fourteen Directors, including the Chief Executive Officer, seven independent Directors, five women and two Directors representing employees. The composition of the Board of Directors is intended to adhere closely to the principles of diversity and to reflect the geographic mix of the business, to provide a range of technical skills, and to include individuals with in-depth knowledge of Soitec's activities, allowing a rapid and in-depth understanding of Soitec's development challenges and an informed decision-making process.

The Board of Directors is supported by four Committees: the Strategic Committee, the Audit and Risks Committee, the Compensation and Nominations Committee and the Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Committee. Its Committees have the multidisciplinary, cross-cutting and complementary skills required to support the Group’s development, meet its challenges and seize opportunities.

Eric Meurice

Eric Meurice

Chairman of the Board of Directors
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Wisseme Allali Trombi

Wisseme Allali

Employee Director
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Pierre Barnabé

Chief Executive Officer / Non- Independent Director
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Françoise Chombar

Independent Director
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Photo Samuel Dalens 1

Samuel Dalens

Permanent representative of Bpifrance Participations / Non- Independent Director
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Laurence Delpy


Permanent representative of Fonds Stratégique de Participations (FSP) / Independent Director
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Christophe Gégout


Independent Director
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Francois Jacq

François Jacq

Permanent representative of CEA Investissement / Non- Independent Director
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Didier Landru

Didier Landru

Employee Director
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Satoshi onishi Trombi

Satoshi Onishi

Non- Independent Director
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Photo Maude Portigliatti 1

Maude Portigliatti

Independent Director
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Kai Seikku

Kai Seikku

Non- Independent Director
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Delphine Segura Vaylet

Delphine Segura-Vaylet

Independent Director
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Shuo Zhang Trombi

Shuo Zhang

Independent Director
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Pascal Lobry

Pascal Lobry

Advisor to the Chief Executive Officer for Civic and Social Engagement
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2022-2023 Key figures:

Independent Directors (excluding employee Directors)
women (excluding employee Directors)
Attendance rate to the Board meetings
Meetings during the Fiscal year

For more information, please refer to Chapter 4 of the Universal Registration Document of Soitec.